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Webinars and talks

Below, you will find a selection of climate-related activities in which we have been engaged.

EU Soteria Climate Project

Climate Risk Advisory is a key partner in the Soteria EU project, which aims to equip regions with innovative solutions and technologies. This initiative focuses on leveraging insurance as a strategic tool for climate adaptation, thereby safeguarding communities against the impacts of climate change.

Must make preventing damages from flooding profitable

The great flood in Finnmark is a reminder that we have to make disaster risk reduction from flooding profitable for owners of buildings and infrastructure.

Climate adaptation and insurance

Mia Ebeltoft i Climate Risk Advisory holdt foredrag om klimatilpasning og forsikring, se foredraget live her (velg webinar datert 10. februar, 2021 når du har klikket på “Les mer” nedenfor).

The webinar series Just Add Finance discusses sustainable finance. Get more information and gain a better understanding of why YOU have a role in sustainable change.

How to integrate climate risk and disaster risk reduction into the strategy of financial enterprise

Mia Ebeltoft in Climate Risk Advisory participated in a UN-report discussing opportunities to integrate disaster risk reduction and climate resilience into sustainable finance. Read the report here:

Climate adaptation for buildings and infrastructure

Read more about climate adaptation for buildings and infrastructure - societal barriers and drivers, by among others, Mia Ebeltoft.

You'll find a link to the report here:

kommunen har ansvar for og mulighet til å arbeide med skadeforebygging og bevaring av naturmangfold

Blant foredragsholderne på fagdagen Overvann – naturligvis, arrangert av Norges grønne fagskole – Vea og FAGUS i mars, er Mia Ebeltoft. Med utgangspunkt i årelang erfaring fra juss, forsikring og samarbeid med kommuner vil hun sette naturbaserte løsninger inn i begrepet klimarisiko og belyse fordeler ved naturbaserte løsninger.

Ecosystem restoration is key to change

Climate Risk Advisory participates in an EU-project. 

EU Horizon2020 projects contribute to scaling up the Green Deal and EU's target to become zero neutral and adapt to climate, as well as paving the way for new regulations.

Europe's environment is in an alarming state, with climate change expected to further aggravate the situation. This poses severe threats to economic prosperity, human wellbeing and social peace, as our society needs systemic transformative change.

Ecosystem restoration is key to this change, and freshwaters play an important role: the restoration of streams, rivers, peatlands and wetlands has a long tradition and offers an extensive knowledge base – freshwaters are ideal demonstrators of the necessary change. 

Climate Risk Advisory has been invited to participate in MERLIN Home – MERLIN project (project-merlin.eu), an R&D project under EU's Horizon 2020 covering ecologic restoration of freshwater-related ecosystems. 

MERLIN closely collaborates with local communities and key economic sectors such as agriculture, water supply, and the Insurance Industry. The main focus is to co-develop win-win solutions spearheading systemic economic, social and environmental change. MERLIN delineates models for private investments into restoration alongside public funding, tailored to contexts specific for economic sectors and countries.